Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Shhhhhh your face is disrupting the group

The next ten days I can not speak. Not with my voice, my hands, or my face. It's called vispanna (art of living) meditation. I will have no contact with the outside world, no literature, no distractions. It will be just me and my thoughts and 120 hours of meditation.

I don't know which one frightens me the most.
(1) I'm a talker who loves to tell "my story."
(2) My facial expressions have been likened to a cartoon character.
(3) I have enjoyed the luxury of ignoring my mind chatter with "helping others" with their mind chatter or completely avoiding it in books, television, and any number of distractions.
(4) I whine when having just minor body aches and pains.

Stand by for a commentary laced in humor

.dhamma sota meditation

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds incredible and difficult. You should emerge a foot taller from the experience. I have every faith in you my friend. Peace, love, and light.